Permeable Paver

Permeable Paver

Permeable pavers are certainly something you should look forward to
give aesthetic looks to your property. Our permeable pavers are highly
durable and long lasting. They offer a reduction in stormwater runoff
from your property. They are environment friendly as they reduce the
amount of sediment and other pollutants that can be washed away due
to high water flow or surface runoffs.
Colour: availabler in various color

Colour: availabler in various color

Permeable Paver

Rain Water Harvesting System

Rain Water Harvesting system is used to collect free flowing rain
water that can be used to recharge ground water. It starts with a
catch pit and ends at borewell. The other components that it
consists of are: harvesting well and filter well. All these different
wells have various functions.

Rain Water Harvesting